This is the inspiration that lead to this site becoming a thing.

This all started out as a small dev challenge to try and make a small text based ARPG, and as I spent more time working on this without any of the other participants actually taking part, it kinda got out of hand.

The original idea was supposed to just be a couple of encounters with some choices and like 5 steps, but I am a gamer, a dev, and a creative. I've always wanted to create something interactive, and obviously all inspiration has source.

The main sources I can think of at this time would be:

  • Fallout 1 & 2 (Aesthetics).
  • Final space's H.U.E. for his sassy personality.
  • Old RPG clicker games like Space Quest and Heretic.
  • and many, many more...

The other part of this was the technological challenge. Sure I could use something like GameDevStudio or Unity to create a good-looking game, but that didn't interest me as much. I want to struggle, I wanted to figure out how far I can push my skills in TypeScript, JavaScript, HTML, Scss. Using interesting new architecture and becoming more and more adept at these languages and technologies. But most of all, I wanted to have fun and make something that is fun for other people to experience.

Follow along as I continue to create and update and upgrade this weird and wacky adventure, and who knows? maybe you'll find yourself learning something, feeling something, experiencing something, or maybe even earn yourself a cameo in the game.

Blackout Game
You can click here to play the game

click here to start